ACAT FACULTY (1992–2018)
"I had my first Alexander lesson when I was 20 and began training four years later. I have always been interested in living with ease and maximizing my personal potential. My Alexander skills have helped me manage and recover from whiplash, a bulging disc and a predisposition towards anxiety. I am passionate about training teachers and offering post-graduate study opportunities."
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ACAT FACULTY (1995–2017)
“I am a physical therapist and a teacher of the Alexander Technique with 50 years of experience working with people in pain and in need of rehabilitation. My AT practice is focused on the management of pain and stress. My professional experience tells me that the Alexander Technique is both a profound and an effective approach to maintain health and well-being. I now focus most of my time on mentoring teachers and training new teachers.”
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ACAT FACULTY (1988–2018)
“I treasure the fact that each ACAT trainee I teach and touch learns differently. My own journey has been informed by a broad range of interests, including consciousness, contemplative studies, painting, healing, writing, and Argentine Tango. Endeavoring to make what is profound in the Alexander Technique work easily accessible, I have a passion for helping trainees and post-graduates to become clear-headed, competent, confident and creative teachers of the Alexander Technique.”
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ACAT FACULTY (1981–2018)
"The Alexander Technique was initially a way for me to deal with knee problems that arose while dancing. It has become a remarkable tool for living, which I apply constantly. It allows me to keep growing and evolving. Teaching the Technique is a way to creatively problem-solve and explore with my students. There is a reciprocity in which I am always learning from them – a great joy. My particular interests are training teachers and working with performing artists, and I am inspired by collaborating with my colleagues.”
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ACAT FACULTY (1984–2018)
DIRECTOR OF TRAINING (1994–1995 & 2001–2008)
“Consequent to having worn braces on my legs from age 1½ to 3, I had severe back problems into my twenties. It was only after beginning lessons in the Alexander Technique that I was able, over time, to function without crippling pain. I am extremely grateful to F.M. and my teachers that I am now able to live such a capable and pain-free life. Passing the work on through teaching and training teachers I feel is my calling.”
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ACAT FACULTY (1996–2018)
"I came to Alexander as a professional Modern Dancer wanting more range, ease, and a longer career. It has given me those, and a set of beautiful principles I improvise with daily to steer my course towards a more gentle, awake and less pushed approach to life. I love to help performing artists tap into their talent, ability and artistic intentions, and to encourage and support trainees through their own voyage of discovery to embody and share this wonderful work."
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ACAT FACULTY (1998–2018)
"The Alexander Technique has been the foundation of my entire adult life. It has given me the tools I need to know myself, understand my habits, access my innate ease and wellbeing, and to trust in my own wisdom. I discovered resources I never knew I had. I am passionate about teaching this work – both in the Teacher Certification program at ACAT, and to the general public. I delight in helping others discover their own wealth through these profound principles."
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ACAT FACULTY (2016–2018)
"I came to the Alexander Technique as a result of severe back pain. I found that my yoga practice of 20+ years was no longer able to keep me out of pain, and I needed to find a new way to exist in my body if I was going to stay healthy and active as I approached the age of 50. Not only did the Technique help me understand how I was doing myself harm and how to change that, it helped me find more strength and mobility than I had when I first started practicing yoga in my 20's. It is a joy to bring my experience in yoga, developmental movement and embodied anatomy to training teachers.”
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ACAT FACULTY (2008–2017)
“I slumped into my first Alexander lesson in the late 1990’s seeking relief from extreme neck and hand pain, which had stopped my musical career. The Alexander Technique ended the pain and made it possible for me to avoid risky cervical surgery. I received my teaching certification from ACAT in 2003. My aim has been to teach the AT in a simple practical way using humor, coaching, and my passion for helping people.”
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ACAT FACULTY (2015 & 2017)
“I felt very motivated after my first AT lesson (2003) and began training three years after. My chronic neck pain from playing the violin disappeared during the lesson and remained gone even hours after. I always feel enthusiastic in terms of incorporating Alexander work into my musical endeavors – both playing and teaching. My background as a musician has given me extensive knowledge that helps me understand the problems and difficulties facing performing artists, and I love sharing with trainees what I've learned from teaching AT to musicians.”
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ACAT FACULTY (2008–2018)
"Alexander Technique helps me see myself more clearly – my physical, mental, and emotional habits – and gives me practical tools for change. I enjoy helping others find the power, freedom and ease they desire, whether they come to the Technique because of pain, a wish to improve performance, or simply want to live with more awareness and choice. I find the Alexander Technique to be invaluable in my other job: mothering two dear daughters."
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